Google buys SageTV to improve Google TV Content

In a proposal to provide the content on Google TV a strong energy intake needed, so the search engine giant, Google has purchased the media software maker, SageTV. The SageTV offers features such as digital video recorder and media center software, but also known as for its ‘place-shifting’ technology that it supplies to its users, by means of which they can watch media remotely.

As per piece of information, as to the conjecture, it is this incredibly service - place-shifting that encouraged Google to buy SageTV. Google has been apparently functioning on developing the content on Google TV, and also this purchase was the subsequently logical step in that track.

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Google’s TV service lets users to contact the internet, in addition to scan via television listing. The SageTV buy out approaches after more than a few content purchases that Google has completed to improve content on its Google TV service. These purchases take in: NBC, Netflix, Amazon, among others.

Facebook Coming up with Skype 5.5 Beta for Windows Versions

Skype has freshly declared the latest put up of Skype 5.5 for Windows with the most important feature being deeper Facebook incorporation. Skype says that with Skype 5.5 they would keep on conveying people mutually each time they are separated by launching a simple method to hook up with family and friends on Facebook.

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At the present message their friends on Facebook unswervingly from within Skype. Skype asserts that with the latest Facebook contacts tab surrounded by Skype one can notice the Facebook contacts they desire to chat with online and then begin an IM conversation right from inside.

Skype 5.5 Beta has lots of new features and that are as follows:

Facebook Instant Messaging – This feature helps users to chat with Facebook friends unswervingly from Skype itself.

Facebook Contacts Tab – This latest tab in Skype itself is devoted to Facebook contacts.

'Like' and comment on Facebook status – User can exercise the Facebook News Feed inside Skype to ‘like a friend’s status or comment on without log in into Skype.

New Call Control Toolbar – This new version of Skype there will be redesigned graphic icons.

Call Phones Section – Advance developments to the saving of a phone number in the ‘Call Phones’ section.

Visual Improvements – This one can hold a call.

Google added 5 new India languages to Google Translate

Google on Tuesday announce the addition of five more Indian languages that is very much in use not only India or Bangladesh but also in other part of World in free Internet translation service - Google Translate. Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Tamil and Telugu are the five languages that were added to Google Translate, taking the numbers of languages to 63 that is supported by the California based firm's online service.

Translation of the latest additional of languages were in "alpha" form as it needs more polishing and more research on way, Google research scientist Ashish Venugopal alleged in a blog post.

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"If any one of user observe incorrect or missing translations for any form of  languages, please correct us; we will be happy to correct the mistakes and learn the new form, your feedback will help us graduate novel languages from alpha status," Venugopal said.

"Google anticipate that the announcement of these latest alpha languages will help you enhanced the understanding the Indic web and persuade the publication of original content in Indic languages," he added. Google also made software for fonts used in the languages obtainable for download.

Google Doodles Showcases Summer Solstice in June 21 2011

Google doodles showcases the longest day of the year, which is falling today at northern hemisphere. The date is June 21st which is summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and winter solstice in the south and this is the period of longest daylight.

The sun achieves the northernmost pinnacle at the Tropic of Cancer. Numerous cultures around the world identify solstice with rituals, holidays, festivities and other traditions, as it's seen as a time of fertility.

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The Google Doodle is designed by Tokyo artist, Takashi Murakami. His technique of art is called "superflat" and is consequent from anime and manga.

In contrast to today’s Google Doodle there are many other Murakami works that incorporates the albumwork for Kanye West's album, "Graduation" and also he did had an exhibition of his artwork at the Palace of Versailles in France, where he filled up 15 rooms with his sculptures.

Google is going to digitalize 250,000 books of British Library

The rich and very precious collections dating from 17th to 18th Century texts are accessible to the world through British Library.  As the news have been circulating that British Library has signed contract with Google to digitalize the texts of the books and exhibits the collection.

The contract states that around 250000 most precious text will be digitalize on Google for just free reading – no copy – copy will be disabled.

As per my well sourced information the very first digitalized online reading text would be Spanish inventor Narciso Monturiol's campaign for one of the world's first submarines dating back to 1858 and a guide about French Queen Marie Antoinette. And also comprises of the period of French Revolution, invention of rail and telegraph, the British Industrial Revolution, the Crimean War and more.

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The calculated partnership is being called over by both Google and British Library as a shift in the direction of safeguarding culture and history for posterity and generating consciousness among people about their historical backdrop during the incorporation of historic documents with modern media.

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The British library has also declared partnership with IT firm BrightSolid for the digitization of 40 million
pages of text to be made available for free on Google.

Artificial Intelligence is Exploring Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

  Introduction to GANs: Revolutionizing Artificial Intelligence Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have emerged as a groundbreaking tech...