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Showing posts with the label H.264 standard

YouTube cracks Adobe’s Flash video format and transfers videos To WebM Format

In an attempt to develop the feature of its video streaming service YouTube, search engine giant Google schedules to transcode most accepted videos on the web site to its WebM format.By now almost thirty per cent of the web site has been transformed to the WebM format which by the way exercises an open compression technology and is also royalty free. While the alteration of the complete catalogue might take years, the fact that most popular videos have been transformed fundamentally and that the latest format covers almost 99 per cent of YouTube viewing. This decision by Google comes at a time when they have stopped using the H.264 standard from its Chrome web browser. The H.264 standard is reportedly preferential by technology majors Apple and Microsoft at the same time as Google it seems is at the present appears at chasing an open standard. This move will directly or indirectly also is expected to unfavorably influence the popularity of Adobe’s Flash video format while Google