Friday, May 10, 2024

Mission Goals Objectives program of University

 The educational mission of the Postgraduate Program at University is to provide excellence in education, preparing leaders for a diverse, highly technological, knowledge-based global society; to engage in research and creative activities that generate new knowledge and applications for effective practice and that foster interdisciplinary approaches to address information challenges; and to meet the complex information needs of society through public and professional service.

Goals: The School's goals and objectives focus on the three areas of education, research and service. Goals specify the end results necessary to achieve the mission; they should elaborate each of the major components of the mission. They provide clarification and specificity for components of the mission statement.

List of objectives derived from the mission statement and goals. Statement defines outcomes attributable to mission and goals of program. Continue to develop quality postgraduate programs to meet the needs of the country. Ensure that the program design and content conform to high international standards. Enhance academic quality through the integration of the state-of-the art instructional and information technologies in teaching and learning.

Outcome – An assessable quantity or quality relative to the overall success of a program in the achievement of its mission, goals and objectives. Develop the student’s ability to communicate effectively in oral, written, graphics and visual forms. Develop systematic understanding of knowledge and a critical mind on identifying problems or new insights in a particular field. Demonstrate a comprehensive and an advanced understanding of techniques for research, and develop research skills and methods applicable to a particular field. Continue to advance their knowledge and understanding, and to develop new skills to a high level & pursue PhD studies.

Flex 2.0 Improves Rich Internet Application (RIA) Development

 In the association of Flex, all developers can generate flash-based applications with features such as chat, dashboards, consistent messaging, and data push services only designed to scuttle in the restored Flash Player 9 virtual machine. Flex 2 now supports server a smaller amount, stand-alone application deployment as well as and that is good for offline applications in necessitate of periodic connectivity.

On the downside, companies with an investment in earlier versions of Flex face a fragment of a resettlement snag. Although Version 1.5 applications will maintain to run in Flash Player 9, they will necessitate to be recompiled under Flex 2 to take benefit of any new competence, so organize for some code parsing.

And, though the new Flash Player demonstrates presentation squeezes, debugging, and improved XML support, it is presently accessible only for Windows PCs and non-Intel based Macs - building this somewhat less flexible in customer-centric deployments.

Adobe requirements to watch competing products, such as Laszlo Systems' OpenLaszlo, which convey an equivalent Flash-based experience. The open source platform requires various component modification and data integration found in Flex 2. Laszlo, however, recently announced plans for dual compilation, which will add a DHTML and AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) run time that would bypass the requirement for the proprietary Flash engine.

Outstandingly, Adobe is also operational on an AJAX bridge making Flex accessible free of charge and opening its source code to developers. Distinctively, the framework, SDK, and a basic version of the server-side data engine, Data Services Express, are free. For more than one CPU or collecting support, you still ought to invest in the full Data Services 2 application. The Builder 2 IDE is an added expense, but it's well worth its cost, as it eases the learning necessity of Flex's new ActionScript 3.0 language and offers a developer-friendly incursion for Flex into IT departments.

 Adobe Flex 2 is an excellent preference for streamlining development of enterprise-grade, data-driven RIA applications. With high-quality built-in competence for real-time messaging, cooperation, and graphical data obligatory, Flex's weight will help businesses break free of the limitations incarcerating today's Web-based application delivery.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Why Silverlight Programming is admired?

 Silverlight is a commanding development platform for building the winning communicating user experiences for web, desktop, and mobile applications when online or offline. Microsoft developed Silverlight to help Internet to grow in the form of content and media rich applications.

There is speedy expansion in Microsoft Silverlight development now a day. The reason is that it is a cross-browser, cross-platform, and cross-device platform that run inside the limits of a plug-in. Microsoft Silverlight is a framework which assists you to build interactive Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). There are many advantages of using a plug-in with the primary gain being stability across executions.

Using Silverlight as a technology, you can effortlessly incorporate Silverlight with .net platform. The content can be produced using XAML and .NET language, this way you can develop your obtainable skills. It can be used with JavaScript and also with AJAX-enabled web pages. Their installation guide is without restraint available on the internet consequently it can be effortlessly downloaded from the source available.

Applications and features of Silverlight

There are lots of motive you may require to modify the access to Microsoft Silverlight because it offers high quality resolution images, Rich Internet Application Productivity, Videos, Web Designing, 60+ controls with source code, smooth streaming, Pixel Shade Effects, Animations, 3d Graphics, Photo applications by taking together the ASP.NET and Silverlight. All the Silverlight applications processing occurs on the client machine thus diminishing server resource operation and improving the web experience on the client.

It uses an industry standard code to build up all its applications. The new version provides new functionality like:

• While using Silverlight Applications you no longer require taking care of your browser consistent.

• The applications build up with Silverlight technology supports all versions of AAC audio, High Definition playback, full-screen media experiences to the desktop.

• It can notice a loss of connection and then opt to cache user's work until the reconnection.

• The application itself confirms for the updates, it has built in auto-update.

• An application can be trusted without any security. It is safe and secure.

• Now it also allows property binding to CLR objects and other UI components via XAML, for request binding a slider value to the volume control of a media player, new features for data validation for enhanced data support.

• Local connection, enhanced deep zoom, data can be shown in a visual manner which is easier to realize. There is also a remarkable development in speed for AJAX-enabled websites that begin to use Silverlight for enhanced presentation.

This article gives the answer to the question that why the Silverlight programming is admired, i want to add for benefit of the readers that many are having a dedicated team which is expert in Silverlight Application Development. 

Most of companies are offering Rich Internet Applications to the clients. All the Silverlight programming is developed by expertise which follows industry standard codes.

Website Design Services of India is an Emerging Practices

 Web designing services to India is considered to be one of the budding market practices. If you are also one of those who request for the cost effective website designing processes, you should absolutely think of outsourcing the responsibilities of web designing India to an Indian company.

The best part of outsourcing web design services to an Indian company is that the committed hire web designers of India will offer cost effective solutions and even remain to latest Internet, ISO, CMM and other global standards, which are counted among the best standards in the world. Today having an online presence on the World Wide Web is very decisive for every web design company doing business.  

However, the cost of developing and maintaining a website by hiring professional web design in-house designers might go beyond the company's budget. As a result, outsourcing web designing services to an Indian designing company can be considered to be a very sensible footstep.

In fact, web designer India has immense hands-on experience of working on diverse domain precise websites. It is constantly good to get your business website designed and developed by dedicated hire web designer Indian professionals.

Adding to this, some of the other prominent benefits of opting for outsourcing web design India can be:

·         Excellence of websites designed is very high

·         Access to better-quality technical skills

·         Highly skilled and talented pool of professionals to select from good infrastructure

·         Expandable outputs

·         Risk sharing potential saves a bundle of time which can be devoted to hub business tasks

·         Gaining competitive benefit within forte market

·         Sooner execution time that is holding on to deadlines

·         Total value for money invested in the project(s)

The trend of outsourcing can be very favorable as it even helps in saving the time and support you to stay in front of your competitors in this extremely cutthroat market. It is because of this fact many offshore Indian web designing service providers are offering services such as website design India, professional web design , India web site design, hire web designer, web design India, website designing an e-commerce websites or a flash animation websites and many more in cheap rates. Web Design Company is helping business to build a brand name and goodwill in the market.

Today the growing need of superiority websites and higher rank in search engines are playing a significant role in getting increased ROI, and hiring the committed services of web designers India is turning out to be more and highly profitable option.

Outsource your web design needs to web design company India for reasonable website design services India. We concentrate in modified website designing India, based in India office, graphic designs, corporate identity solutions, flash, and 3d animation services. 

Hire leading web Design Company for eminence, business focused and utilizable website design India.

AI is Making Perfect Educational Videos: The Future of Learning

  AI is Making Perfect Educational Videos: The Future of Learning Remember those boring educational videos? Maybe they dragged on and on an...