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Showing posts with the label Adobe Flex 2

Flex 2.0 Improves Rich Internet Application (RIA) Development

  In the association of Flex, all developers can generate flash-based applications with features such as chat, dashboards, consistent messaging, and data push services only designed to scuttle in the restored Flash Player 9 virtual machine. Flex 2 now supports server a smaller amount, stand-alone application deployment as well as and that is good for offline applications in necessitate of periodic connectivity. On the downside, companies with an investment in earlier versions of Flex face a fragment of a resettlement snag. Although Version 1.5 applications will maintain to run in Flash Player 9, they will necessitate to be recompiled under Flex 2 to take benefit of any new competence, so organize for some code parsing. And, though the new Flash Player demonstrates presentation squeezes, debugging, and improved XML support, it is presently accessible only for Windows PCs and non-Intel based Macs - building this somewhat less flexible in customer-centric deployments. Adobe requirements