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Unlocking the Power of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems

  Artificial intelligence (AI) and expert systems are words that pop up everywhere these days. But what do they actually mean? Let’s break it down and see how they work together, and why they matter in our everyday lives. What is Artificial Intelligence? At its core, artificial intelligence is all about making machines think and learn like humans. Imagine having a computer that can recognize your voice, understand your questions, and even help you with your homework! That’s AI in action. It processes data, learns from it, and improves over time, just like we do. Types of Artificial Intelligence AI can be split into two main types: Narrow AI and General AI. • Narrow AI  is what we see today. It’s designed to perform specific tasks, like recommending your next Netflix binge or helping you find the fastest route home. • General AI  is more like the stuff we see in movies. It can do anything a human can do. This kind of AI is still mostly in the imagination phase. What are Expert