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How Artificial  intelligence is Shaping Our Global Economy

  Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer just a futuristic concept. It’s here, influencing how we work, shop, and interact. In the global economy, AI is like a rising tide, lifting every ship. Curious about how it’s doing that? Let’s explore. Boosting Productivity Like Never Before AI tools can handle tasks faster and more accurately than humans. Imagine a factory where machines can design and build products with minimal human supervision. That’s the power of AI. By automating repetitive tasks, businesses save time and money. Instead of spending hours crunching numbers, companies can focus on strategy and growth. This productivity boost doesn’t just help businesses; it creates more jobs in tech and management. Revolutionizing Customer Experience Ever had a chat with a robot on a website? That’s AI enhancing customer service! AI chatbots provide quick answers, help you find what you need, and improve your shopping experience. They’re available 24/7, which means no more waiting in