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Showing posts with the label UNIX

Joomla give Benefits as a CMS in Creating Websites

  Joomla is an open source content management system and it is freely accessible, this is the most important reason behind its widespread popularity.  The smoothness of use and its immensely flexible features facilitate the creation of a wide diversity of websites, such as:- ·        Organizational or corporate websites ·        Educational websites ·        E-commerce applications ·        Personal websites ·        Community-based portals and discussion sites ·        Websites publishing blogs, newspapers, and magazines One of the very striking characteristics or advantages of Joomla lies in the fact that it supports the establishment of tremendously search engine friendly websites that has HTML layout for straightforward reading by crawlers with no nestled tables, or query strings in URLs. Joomla installation and organization is moderately simple but most importantly, maintaining the website is also consistently simple. People with little or no programming knowledge can edi

PHP Development is very much in use for developing web pages

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, has turn out to be foremost player on the web development market in the most recent years. PHP is a loyalty free, so no need to pay money for any licensed copy and waste money to make use of and build applications. It is an open source technology, and very easy to operate and can be easily function on Apache web server which in twirl functions flawlessly on Windows, Linux, Solaris, and other diverse UNIX platforms. It is a scripting language and it is extensively used for web development actions to generate commanding, influential and vibrant web pages. PHP is the motive to construct the LAMP mound (Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP) so accepted. PHP is in great demand in the Internet arena and it can be found on many domains and the numbers are rising by days. As it is turning out to get much more popularity, and also is one of the most wanted in web programming environment by all web developers. PHP comes in use of programming language, and the code is examined

Custom Web Application Development is Well-Known Because of Consistency

Custom web applications can assist you to attain precisely what you require. No off the shelf software can preserve to do this. Custom web applications can incorporate with legacy systems helping to fabricate synergy between the new and the old. Custom web applications create using open source technologies such as PHP and MySQL that can attain remarkable results in a very short span of time at a very sensible cost. Behind web development, there are measures and architectural policies that require to be looked into before the actual custom web application development transpires. These features essentially spotlight on the requirements of the business and the strategies it wants to execute. However, this particular content will mainly focus on the basic technical features that help businessmen meet their needs.  Windows Web Servers - Microsoft has a reliable customer support because of their user-friendly software incorporating the Windows NT/2000/XP web servers. These applications