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Showing posts with the label Sandip Das

Aircel offering iPhone 4 to Indian Users on May 27 2011

The launch of iPhone 4 in US market was back in the month of June and that to spread Worldwide. India is the country which was deprived from the iPhone 4. India did get chance of enjoying the iPhone 3G and 3GS service but still Apple is not in mood to disclouse when it is really planning to launch iPhone 4 in India. Not to worry as very soon an Indian network operator Aircel declaring schedules to launch the device in Indian markets starting from May 27th. Director of Aircel, Mr. Sandip Das said that, "We all are very much happy to fetch iPhone 4 to Aircel customers in India. We for all time try to get to our consumers a world class experience and provide the most excellent in modernization and service. With a stout roll out of Aircel' s 3G services in 13 circles across India, the launch of iPhone 4 will permit our consumers to accurately relish the 3G experience. With our implausible latest price plans, we aspire to create iPhone more reasonable than ever." It is ver