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Google Surprises Everybody with Interactive Game Nexus Contraptions

Around the globe when all of them were talking about the start of the much waited Facebook Killer the Google+’ pattern, the search giant has taken the whole world by surprise by announcing the interactive game, called Nexus Contraptions. This news is really going to rock the every part of the globe who loves games. It has just released and it has become hot property with the Google users. The game does have four most important stages, which have been more divided into other sub-stages. On the start of the screen, the user is offered with a collection of Google Apps, incorporating YouTube, Gmail, and many more. Each app on the whole symbolizes one stage, and every most important stage is characterized by an exclusive colored robotic arm. The user is predictable to spring back all the Nexus S balls in to a red funnel and for doing so there are many of contraptions that have been made accessible – rubber bands, fans, bombs, magnets, among others. All that a user has to do is delibera