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Showing posts with the label N-Tier architecture

The .NET Application Presentation should reflect development

This is a very significant subject to reflect on when developing an application. Many elements required to be considered when choosing on the architecture of the application, such as performance, scalability and future development issues. When you are selecting on which architecture to use, first select on which of the mentioned elements you think is most important as some selections will make some sort of impact on others. For example, some choices that increase performance will bang on the scalability or future development of your design, etc. What is n-Tier architecture? N-Tier architecture submits to the architecture of an application that has at least three logical layers. Each layer interrelates with only the layer straightforwardly below, and has precise function that it is accountable for. Why use n-Tier architecture? Because each layer can be located on actually different servers with only minor code alters, hence they scale out and knob more server load. Also, what each

How to work on developing better .NET Application Presentation

In this article we will introduce transitional .NET developers to the world of professional ASP.NET development with C#. We will also introduce and develop on many topics that transmit to the planning and designing phase of software development, and share experience on it. This is a very significant subject to reflect on when developing an application. Many elements required to be considered when choosing on the architecture of the application, such as performance, scalability and future development issues. When you are selecting on which architecture to use, first select on which of the mentioned elements you think is most important as some selections will make some sort of impact on others. For example, some choices that increase performance will bang on the scalability or future development of your design, etc. What is n-Tier architecture? N-Tier architecture submits to the architecture of an application that has at least three logical layers. Each layer interrelates with only t