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Showing posts with the label Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)

Checking Log frequencies in IIS for Validation

One of the most significant functions a website has is the capacity to follow who is visiting it and from where they are coming from, and what they are doing. Logs themselves could not always be the mainly precise measurement of what's going on, they do present a high level of overview in tracking frequent user functions and tasks. There are occurrences when definite types of data aren't logged such as referrers, cookies, user agents, and POST data. Logging can be used to trail irregular behavior such as malicious requests sent by a possible invader demanding to break into your website. These logs can be particularly priceless in recognizing if an attack was triumphant or not, as well as some of the accurate commands that an attacker may have executed. While executing a security evaluation of Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), we begin to investigate logging capabilities and how they work on. Months prior, we revealed that IIS permitted an attacker to evade certai