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Windows 8 Hardware need are very much alike to Windows 7

As you have known that Windows 8 is coming soon and if thought that Windows 8 operating system would need an additional RAM and a faster processor then you’re very much wrong. Microsoft’s Tami Reller, who is the Corporate VP for the Windows division has affirmed that Windows 8 wouldn't need extra assets. This means that you would be competent to persist using your present desktop or notebook. She also declared that this was very significant component of Windows 8 for dealing customers. There’s undoubtedly no need of superior hardware in the market at present and there shouldn’t be a requirement to stay upgrading it, every time a novel version of the OS is announced. Windows 7 doesn’t insist an intact bundle from today’s hardware. For example, Windows 7 can function just above okay that to on a 1GHz processor with 1GB of memory and 16GB of disk space. Most of today’s PCs have much higher specs in that feature. The further motive for disquiet has been software compatibility. Micr