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Google Announces Latest Feature "Me On The Web"

Google has just announced a latest feature called "Me On The Web" for users. This feature allocates users to recognize and administer their online identities, in addition to control the search results they have put in. Users with Google accounts can access this feature through the Google Dashboard and this section helps users to control online that mentions, public profiles on a variety of social networking sites and blogs, handle online identity, over and above learn more about the procedure of what it takes users to eliminate off the web completely. Google says that a bundle of people don't appreciate that at the same time as they are a most important gateway to the Web, and they are not the web. Most people don't actually even know how Google works i.e. they send crawlers transversely web pages and ranks the pages it discovers consequently when you enter search words, the most appropriate pages come into view. Regrettably, this suggests that for the majority