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Caltech in US set new Internet speed record of 186Gbps

It is quite thrilling matter that the prior internet speed records have been wrecked by Caltech in the U.S. The latest and novel speed to beat is a great new achievement of 186Gbps and that is more or less 23 gigabytes per second. A 1TB drive would roughly cover not more than 40 seconds to congest. That kind of bandwidth isn’t intended for day by day use at home, but for Universities and Colleges. Caltech (California Institute of Technology) with collaboration with the University of Victoria, the University of Michigan, Florida University and CERN (European Center for Nuclear Research) had have beat this record. The team had in the past set a record at 119Gbps, back in 2009. This kind of bandwidth could be advantageous to CERN, which produces a stack of in sequence and need shifting that rapidly to unlike sites around the world. The demonstration of 186Gbps speeds was lately performed at the SuperComputing 2011 conference in Seattle. Comparable data transfer tests were also passed