Twitter’s varying priorities towards producing ad revenue is no longer an open clandestine, is position to formulate a hurdle in the ad market with this newest and innovative attainment.
There is a report floating in Web that AdGrok is not accommodating any latest or fresh clients, and also planning to close the AdWords management business by June 30 itself, following which, the company will establish working solely on Twitter’s online ad technology projects.
“We’re pleased to declare that Twitter has purchased the AdGrok team. We will be from now functioning full-time as part of Twitter’s revenue engineering team,” AdGrok said in a blog post.
“We are no longer accommodating fresh customers and will finish charging our present users instantly. We will shut down our servers on June 30th and after that the GrokBar will not be accessible,” it added.
AdGrok established at San Francisco prior year and has been financially maintained by Y Combinator, an investment company.
Twitter also did purchase TweetDeck freshly and started a photo hosting and sharing service as mentioned in my last post and it is based on, a website that Twitter purchased last year.